Wednesday, 25 May 2011

♥ About Jeevita♥


 Jeevita d/o Muniandi, turning twenty this November. She did foundation in Science but ended up  doing Psychology, since she realized that Psychology is her passion. She doesn’t wish to do a course just because many of them are taking that particular course. Social service is one of her great interests, which explains why she chose to pursue her studies as a psychology student. For time being, she is concentrating more on her studies eventhough she wishes to volunteer herself to do social service. Unfortunately, she can’t help it. She desperately wants to achieve something in order to prove herself and her capability as well. In future, she wants to become a successful psychotherapist and give therapy to people who are really in need. As time passes, the her will to do so is becoming stronger and stronger.

          Since young, she has been inspired by many interesting people in her life. Thus, there is always a strong will in her to inspire people as well. It doesn’t have to be a big group of people, as long as she could feel some satisfaction in changing someone’s life into a better one, that is more than enough for her. That is her goal and she wishes to keep going with it lifelong. In some way, she wishes to see a smile on a person’s face, who have been frustrated all this while. The moment she realizes that she could make the change, she would feel as if she has achieved a great thing on that particular day. She would like to make changes in people who really need it.
        She just wants to make people realize that there are so many undiscovered abilities in us, that we are capable of doing. Her dream is to be part of someone’s amazing achievement, she would be so glad to watch them progressing in every stage of their lives ,without giving up. Her focus is more on disabled people who are being discriminated by the society instead of being motivated. She has come across, quite a number of disabled people’s incredible achievements which made me realize that she is not even putting that much of effort as they do. This is making her look up at those people who actually proved themselves, eventhough they didn’t get encouragement, motivation and help from the society.
        At one point of her life, she was living with frustration, depression and was longing to hear some inspiring words which will help her to get out of the that dark world. Then, she stopped waiting for people to help her out, instead she started to move on by motivating herself and she did it without expecting anyone’s help. Eventually, she woke up from daydreaming and this is what she desires to instill in people’s minds. She wishes to make people understand that, they can change their fate, if they make the right decision at the right time in their lives. The whole point here is to create awareness among those who concentrate on what they don’t have instead of what they have.


A disabled person actually inspired her to inspire others. His name is Nick Vujicic who was born without arms and legs. Yet, he is having a positive attitude all the time and keeping a bright outlook on life. Furthermore, he never gave up and instead turned his limitations into opportunities. Today at the age of 28, he is travelling all over the world inspiring and motivating millions of people. Thus, she told herself, “If he can be so positive, why not her?”

        Thus, this is another dream of her besides her carrier. She wants to inspire and be inspired by others. Eventhough it is not that easy to be achieved, she will never give up. 


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